Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sales associate position

We are seeking a seeking a full-time sales associate. The successful applicant will be an organized and self-motivated cheerful person with a passion for fine photography, and who is able to handle multiple projects under short deadlines. The environment at The Darkroom is quality-oriented, fast-paced and informal.

Required background:
. Thorough understanding of silver & digital photographic processes
. High computer literacy
. Retail experience
. Experience with bookkeeping a plus
. Frame shop experience a plus

Benefits kick in after one year, and include employer participation in a healthcare plan, paid vacation, and a generous discount on photographic supplies (and you won't have to wear a uniform).

To apply for this position, email resume (with professional references) and pertinent information to jobs {at} Interviews will begin on December 26th and the position will start shortly thereafter. Please address all questions relating to this position by email only.
$9/hour + health benefits after one year

It is The Darkroom's policy to assure that applicants are hired and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, color, age, national origin, or physical disability.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Creative Process workshop with Chris Jordan December 2nd

The Creative Process from Conception to Exhibition

The Darkroom would like to offer you the opportunity to study with Chris Jordan, one of the top photographic artists working in the United States today. This one-day workshop focuses on the process of fine art photography from conception to exhibition, and will take place on Sunday December 2nd in conjunction with the opening weekend of PhotoNOLA 2007.

Chris is an internationally acclaimed photographic artist whose work explores the detritus of American mass culture. His work is exhibited widely in the US and Europe, and has been featured in magazines, newspapers, documentary films and television programs all over the globe. Most recently his work was featured on the Bill Moyers Journal, and he will appear on the Stephen Colbert Report on October 10, 2007.

You can read a complete description of the workshops at:

Basic B&W printing workshop Monday 10/29 6-9PM

Learn the fine art of black and white printing or refresh your skills with Thom Bennett.

Topics covered are: basic print processing - exposure, contrast, dodging and burning-in; making contact sheets; protecting and archiving prints; paper types.

Next workshop: Monday October 29th 6-9 pm

Cost of workshop: $55 tuition + $15 materials fee

Click here for a full description.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Red Show opens Saturday 6-9 PM

The exhibition features 32 excellent photographs (selected by Richard Sexton out of nearly 500 entries submitted by 120 photographers in 20 states) plus a slideshow of additional images, including artwork by:
Josephine Sacabo
Curtis Knapp (author of the Andy Warhol image)
Lori Waselchuk
Steven Forster
David Rae Morris
Heather Weathers

A sneak preview of the show is available by visiting:

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Luminos warm tone 20x24 Fiber-base semi-matte paper 50% off

Luminos warm tone 20x24/10 sheets variable contrast fiber-base semi-matte paper. Sale price: $37.90

Luminos 16x20 Fiber-base glossy paper 50% off

Luminos 16x20/10 sheets variable contrast fiber-base paper. Sale price: $16.96.

This paper is now rebranded as Kentmere fineprint glossy. It is the most neutral fiber-base paper available.

Light Impressions precut black mats 16x20/11x14 50% off

Light Impressions precut black mats 16x20 / 11x14 window with backing. Pack of 5. Sale price: $26.97

Agfa 5x7/25 RC paper 50% off

Agfa multicontrast 5x7 glossy RC paper/25 sheets. Sale price: $4.95

Fotospeed odorless sepia toner 50% off

Fotospeed ST20 odorless sepia toner to make 1.5 L. Sale price $8.96

Brilliant 16x20 fiber-base paper 50% off

Brilliant/Zone VI variable contrast fiber-base paper 16x20/25 sheets. Sale price: $38.06

Brilliant 11x14 fiber-base paper 50% off

Brilliant/Zone VI variable contrast fiber-base paper 11x14/50 sheets. Sale price: $36.80

Fuji instant 4x5 color film 50% off

Fuji FP100C 4x5 10 sheets exp. 07/2006. Sale price: $20.96

Fortepan 100 b&w 120 50% off

Forte fortepan 120 black and white film single packs exp. 01/07. Sale price: $1.36

Fuji 64 Tungsten slide film 120 50% off

Fuji 64T RTPII 120 single packs, exp. 03/2007. Sale price: $3.50

Provia 400 ASA 120 propack 50% off

Fuji provia 400 RHP III 120x5 exp. 02/2007. Sale price $22.25

Fotospeed selenium toner 50% off

Fotospeed selenium toner 500mL. Sale price: $12.08

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ten days to submit to The Red Show

The deadline for entries to The Red Show is August 31st.

Check this page for complete entry guidelines.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Date change for the polaroid transfer workshop

The new dates are Saturday September 29th and October 13th 2007 10am-1pm.

Check the workshop page for details

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Identity show submission deadline is around the corner

Don't miss the August 20th deadline!

Check out the NOPA blog for details.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Basic black & white printing workshop September 24th

Come and learn the art of fine black and white printing with Thom Bennett on Monday September 24th 6-9PM.

Topics covered include: basic print processing - exposure, contrast, dodging and burning-in; making contact sheets; protecting and archiving prints; paper types; and safety.

Level: Beginner

Cost of workshop:$55 tuition + $15 materials fee

Check out details on The Darkroom Workshops website.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Polaroid transfer workshop, September 22 & 29

The Darkroom is offering a two=part polaroid transfer workshop taught by Thom Bennett on Saturdays September 22nd and 29th from 10AM-1PM.

Part photograph, part watercolor painting, Polaroid transfers are intimate, one-of-a-kind artworks made with 35mm color or black and white slides. Through the use of color Polaroid film, you will learn simple techniques to transfer a photographic image directly onto watercolor paper. Each result is completely unique and room for experimentation is endless.

The first session will cover transfer techniques and the second will focus on emulsion lifts.

No experience necessary.

Full details on The Darkroom Workshops website

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Jim Thorns opening for White Linen Night at The Darkroom

Jim Thorns' hugely successful show will open for the last time this Saturday, August 4th from 6-9 pm and will feature music by Sharon Martin, Leah Chase, Charmaine Neville and poetry by Chuck Perkins and Marie Bookman.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Keith Carter workshop December 8th and 9th

Keith Carter will be teaching a week-end inspirational workshop at The Darkroom on December 8th and 9th.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Call for entries - The Red Show

Call for Photographs
Fall 2007 Show juried by Richard Sexton
Opening Saturday October 6, 2007

"The Red Show"
Of all the colors in the spectrum, red is the one that provokes the most physiological responses. It is the color that is most easily recognized and the most visible in daylight. It has been shown that red causes the human heart to beat faster and blood pressure to rise. It symbolizes excitement, energy, passion, desire, love, power, danger, fire, blood, war, violence and aggression: all things intense and passionate.

Please submit your photographs inspired by or including the color red for consideration in the next juried exhibition at The Darkroom. Creative interpretations of the theme are encouraged.

The show will open on Saturday, October 6, 2007, in conjunction with New Orleans' Art for Art’s Sake gallery event.

Juror: Richard Sexton is a highly acclaimed photographer and the author of several award winning publications including the seminal book, New Orleans: Elegance and Decadence.

Eligibility: Open to all photographers using any printing process on any media. All art submitted must be the original work of the applicant.

Deadline: All entries must be submitted electronically by Friday, Aug 31, 2007 at 6PM.

Opening: Saturday October 6, 2007 at The Darkroom.

Submission Guidelines:

1.Email up to 5 images in jpg, tiff or psd format at 72dpi (5x7” or so) to
Please name each image with submission numbers, last name first name and title, i.e: 1_Doe_Jane_Red, 2_Doe_Jane_Red #2, etc.

2. In body of email please include your complete contact information (name, address, phone number and email), along with a numbered list of the submitted images with the following information for each:
• the title
• the image dimension
• the photographic process used for each print (e.g. silver gelatin, platinum, digital, etc.)
• the date the image was taken

3. Send a non-refundable $20 entry fee.* Applicants may pay the entry fee electronically through PayPal (please direct the payment to ) Other accepted forms of payment include cash, checks or money orders made out to The Darkroom and mailed to the address at the bottom of the email

Please note that mailed payments must be received by August 31st.

Notification: Artists will be notified by Wednesday September 5th as to whether or not they have been selected.

Accepted work: The framed artwork should not exceed 30" in width and is to be delivered to The Darkroom no later than Saturday September 29, 2007.
In order to ensure a cohesive presentation within the group show format we request that work be framed with black frames and neutral mats. **

Sales/commissions: Sales are encouraged and proceeds from the show will be distributed the following way:
• 60% to the Artist
• 40% to The Darkroom
However, works submitted do not have to be available for sale.

Friday August 31st - Submission deadline
All images and the $20 fee must be received by 6PM
Wednesday September 5th - Artists are notified of the status of their entry
Saturday September 29 - Last day to turn in framed artwork
Saturday October 6 - Opening reception, 6-9PM

Questions? Contact gallery

* Entries received without payment will not be reviewed.
** The Darkroom reserves the right to reject work that does not match the quality of its digital representation. In addition, artwork received that does not meet acceptable presentation standards may be disqualified.

The Darkroom reserves the right to use submitted images to promote the exhibition, including postcards and an online gallery of the show

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Polaroid transfer workshop with Thom Bennett

Copyright © Thom Bennett

The Darkroom is offering a polaroid transfer workshop on Saturday March 3rd and 10th 9AM-12PM

Part photograph, part watercolor painting, Polaroid transfers are intimate, one-of-a-kind artworks made with 35mm color or black and white slides. Through the use of color Polaroid film, you will learn to transfer a photographic image directly onto watercolor paper. Each result is completely unique and room for experimentation is endless.

The first session will cover transfer techniques and the second will focus on emulsion lifts.

No experience necessary.

Full details on The Darkroom website

Friday, February 9, 2007

February film promotion

The Darkroom is offering a sale with savings of up to 75% on expired and near-expired film through the month of February.

Details are on the website at

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Digital Negative Workshop with Mark Nelson February 13th

Tuesday, February 13
5:30 - 7pm
at The Darkroom

The workshop is free and open to anyone interested in learning about Mr. Nelson's digital negative process.

Mark Nelson is the author of Precision Digital Negatives for Silver and other Alternative Photographic Processes. He also authored a chapter on the topic for Dick Arentz's "The Platinum & Palladium Print, Second Edition". In addition, he writes for Camera Arts magazine and View Camera magazine, including an article in the current issue.

Mark is an accomplished photographer and platinum printer who has consulted with a number of very well known printers and photographers. To see examples of his personal work click on this link to his website:

He has done a number of group workshops around the country on Precision Digital Negatives with Platinum and Palladium printing—both privately and in conjunction with workshop series such as the Photographers' Formulary. Mark's Precision Digital Negatives approach to contact printing alternative processes has been highly successful and well received—it is currently being used at some universities to teach alternative processes.

Mark's presentation will cover the use of digital negatives with alternative processes, how they work and methods for enhancing printing with digital negatives so that the prints can rival and even surpass those from traditional negatives.

Free and open to all

New Orleans architectural photography workshop with Richard Sexton

The Darkroom - New Orleans Center for the photographic arts is offering a week-end New Orleans architectural photography workshop with Richard Sexton on May 19th and 20th 2007.

Full details are at

Monday, January 29, 2007

Self-portrait show this Friday

Elsa Hahne, Blood line

You are invited for the opening of a group show of self-portraits curated by
David Halliday on Friday February
2nd between 6 and 9 PM at The Darkroom New Orleans Center for the Photographic Arts
in the Lower Garden District, at Magazine and St Andrew.

The opening will feature artwork by 21 outstanding photographers from
all over the United States and Japan, as well as a solo cello performance
by Helen Gillet.

Sneak preview

map of the Darkroom

We are looking forward to seeing you next Friday,